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Scrivener for Windows comes out of beta, bringing the powerful writing tool to PC users

10 November 2011, Software Publisher

When it comes to serious writing, you need a serious writing tool; there are times when the likes of Microsoft Word just won’t cut it. Whether you are working on a novel, a play, a dissertation, or any other form of lengthy document, a standard word processor is unlikely to provide you with the tools you need, particularly if you are trying to organise a series of ideas as well as getting down the task of writing. Scrivener used to be available only for Mac, but the Windows version has now left beta and has been released as a complete product.

Lengthy projects can be broken down into smaller sections that are more easily managed and a virtual index card system is available to help you to organize thoughts and ideas without the need to resort to using pen and paper. The ability to collate all of your research material together in a virtual binder, as well as being able to write, edit and revise your text, Scrivener is a tool that can see you through the writing process from start to finish.

You can save yourself a great deal of time by using Scrivener to replace multiple tools, eliminating the needs to keep constantly switching apps. If your work needs to be run by others before it can be used, the program include all of the tools you need to create a standard manuscript layout, as well as the ability to publish in ePub or Kindle. Despite the professional level of tools to be found in the program, Scrivener is available at an incredibly low price and a trial version is available to enable you to check it out for yourself.

As the program is now available for multiple platforms, Scrivener is even more useful for any writer who finds themself working in different environments. When at home or in the office you have the option of working with the Mac or PC version, depending on which system you have to hand. The Windows version of the app is not quite as fully featured as the Mac version, but it is pretty close.

You can find out more and download a free copy of the program by paying a visit to the Scrivener for Windows review page.

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