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View the date, time and weather on your desktop with the stylish Metro Home widget

23 May 2011, Software Publisher

While it’s easy enough to check the time on your computer by looking at the clock in the system tray, and the weather by visiting any of a number of web sites, you may still want to check out Metro Home. This is a Windows desktop widget that displays the date time and weather in a stylish and customisable interface that is a copy of the Windows Phone 7 look.

The widget comes from the same stables as HTC Home, a similar widget that apes the look of HTC’s Android widget, but in this case the information is displayed in a form that will be familiar to Windows Phone 7 users as it closely mimics the Metro interface.

Metro Home’s interface comprises a number of animated panels that display the current date and time along with your username and user image. In addition to this, the widget also features panel that display the current temperature and weather as well as the forecast for the week ahead. The bottom of the re-sizable and re-positionable widget interface can be used to display a photo slideshow.

Further customization can be achieved by adjusting the opacity of the widget window and opting to permanently keep it on top of other open windows. You can choose from one of four weather forecasts, although it is worth noting that some will only provide temperatures in Celsius although Fahrenheit is an option with some.

This is a good looking widget that provides at-a-glance information in a well-designed interface. You can find out more and download a free copy of the utility by paying a visit to the Metro Home review page.

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