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NightOwl is a must-have app for all Mojave users

01 October 2018, Chris Wiles

Dark mode is a fantastic addition to any operating system, enabling late-night work to more productive. We have the theme switched on as default on Windows 10, which has always suited a darker user-interface.

Apple introduced a system-wide dark mode with Mojave and some of the recent apps look hugely better on a dark background. iPhoto is a very good example, making photos pop on the dark shade and editing easier on the eyes.

Problem is, you don’t want dark mode on all the time. Some apps don’t quite work for us. Mail is a good example, with odd inverted colours and your mail messaging displaying a fixed white background, which sort of defeats the object of the mode.

Quickly toggle between dark and light mode with NightOwl

As Apple didn’t make it easy to toggle between modes (you need to go into System Preferences -> General), there’s a brand new little app which makes switching so ingenious.

NightOwl is an excellent must-have addition for Mojave users. It sits in your menu bar and offers immediate access to either dark or light mode. You can also toggle on the Sunrise/Sunset setting for Night Shift.

Even better, NightOwl offers a function which Apple forgot to include. The ability to schedule dark mode. You can set it to switch on automatically late at night, so if you’re working close to midnight, it’s on and ready for you. Wake up the next morning and you can have it so it’s configured to switch to light mode from 5am.

Simple tools like this make a huge difference to productivity and you have to wonder why on earth Apple didn’t add a light/dark mode schedule option to Mojave when Night Shift has the option.

Download NightOwl right now.

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