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Tor Browser 6.0 released

31 May 2016, Mike Williams

Tor ProjectThe Tor Browser team has announced the first stable release of Tor Browser 6.0.

This edition adds code-signing for OS X, which should allow Mac users to install Tor without any Gatekeeper hassles.

The core Firefox build has been updated to Firefox 45-ESR, and there are similar updates for OpenSSL, HTTPS-Everywhere, Torbutton and more.

The updater has gained an extra security layer, now checking the hash of a download file, as well as its signature, before applying it.

Tor Browser

OS X code signing means hassle-free Mac installations, whatever your security settings

A long-standing DLL hijacking vulnerability introduced by the NSIS installer has finally been fixed.

The official Tor post on the release talks of “new privacy enhancements” and disabling some features “where we decided they are rather potentially harmful in a Tor Browser context”.

As usual, there’s also a lengthy list of bug fixes– check the Release Notes if you’d like to find out more.

Tor Browser 6.0 is available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

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