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iolo System Mechanic 12.5 debuts new responsiveness tuner with CPU optimization tool

06 December 2013, Nick Peers

iolo System Mechanic 12iolo has released a major update to its family of System Mechanic tools with the release of iolo System Mechanic 12.5. Also available as a cut-down free version as well as a more fully featured Professional version, System Mechanic 12.5 adds a number of significant new features.

Chief among these is LiveBoost Technology, a real-time responsiveness tuner that utilises three different tools to ensure the user’s computer is always running smoothly. This feature is restricted to the paid-for versions only.

The three tools in question include two existing tools – RAMJet (for memory) and AcceleWrite (for hard drives), plus a new OptiCore tool, which covers the CPU. OptiCore ensures that background processes can’t monopolise processor resources to the detriment of other applications, and works with single and multi-core CPUs.

System Mechanic 12.5

LiveBoost Technology is the major new feature in System Mechanic 12.5.

Users can switch all three tools on or off, plus monitor their performance over time, from the main System Mechanic screen under the new LiveBoost heading on the left.

The update follows just under three months after the release of version 12.0, which introduced a bevy of new and improved features, including Core Data Recalibrator  tool for reducing Windows system file corruption, Stability Guard feature and Windows 8.1 certification with enhanced tools to take advantage of the latest version of Windows.

Both System Mechanic 12.5 and System Mechanic 12.5 Professional are available as trial downloads for PCs running Windows XP or later. Also available is the cut-down System Mechanic Free 12.5. Users can purchase System Mechanic Professional 12 for $49.95 from the Downloadcrew Software Store, a saving of 29% on its MSRP with additional features including full anti-malware protection. Both licenses cover version 12.5.

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