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Easily share files of any size free of charge with Share by BitTorrent

18 January 2012, Software Publisher

When it comes to sharing files, there are a number of options available to you. If you want to share files with someone nearby, it may make sense to pop them on a USB drive and physically deliver them. For smaller files it is possible to make use of email, but things get trickier when larger files are involved. You could go as far as uploading files to your own web space or even setting up your own FTP server, but this is something that few people would want to go to these lengths. Share is a free tool that enables you to overcome these problems and share files of any size.

Coming from BitTorrent, it should come as no surprise to learn how Share works. It is essentially a personal torrent client that makes it possible to allow people of your choice to connect to your computer and access the files you have chosen to share; this is a great example of personal P2P. having created an account, files can be shared by using nothing more than drag and drop, and all you need to do is to select who you would like to share them with.

Share from BitTorrent enables you to share large files online for free

Sharing can be made into quite a social experience thanks to the ability to comment on files that are being shared. This is a great option if you are using the service to share files relating to a work project as it allows for a degree of collaboration. The fact that Share is available for both Mac and PC means that it is opened up to a larger audience and the ability to create groups for sharing means that sharing files with the same people time and time again is made as fast as possible.

Share is currently an alpha version, so it’s still somewhat experimental, but things are already looking promising. Just as with more major torrent clients such as uTorrent and the like, there will undoubtedly be claims that Share is a tool that could be used for piracy. While this is true to some extent, there are also numerous legitimate uses to which the service can be put. If you’ve found yourself wondering how you are going to share a large video you have shot, this could be the solution you have been looking for.

You can find out more and download a free copy of the app by paying a visit to the Share review page.

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