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Fresh Feed alerts you of new stories in your favorite RSS feeds

03 May 2011, Software Publisher

RSS feeds can be used to keep abreast of news headlines and the latest blog posts, and most RSS fans will have a huge number of subscriptions. Whether you have opted to use a dedicate RSS reader or use an online RSS service such as Google Reader, you’ll no doubt be aware that it is all too easy to spend a great deal of time wading through endless posts when you are only likely to be interested in posts from a small number of sites. Fresh Feed enables you to keep up to date with your most important feeds so you can focus on the stories that are likely to need your attention.

In a few moments it is possible to configure the app to check some of your most frequently read feeds on a regular basis, and you will receive an audio alert whenever a new post is made. A menu bar popup displays the headlines for your configured feeds and a preview of the associated story can be viewed in a small slide out window – anything that particularly grabs your attention can be viewed in its entirety with a quick click.

If you are working with the Pro version of Fresh Feed you can import feeds from your Google Reader account, but adding new feeds individual is a fairly quick and easy process. Should you decide to go down this feed importing route, you can then use tick boxes to indicate which feeds you would like to receive notifications about.

Fresh Feed is a handy supplement to your existing RSS software, but don’t think about ditching your RSS client just yet. The app is useful, but far from being a replacement for a standard reading tool. Its strength stands in its ability to enable you to focus on the feeds that are likely to be of the most interest or most worthy of your attention – you can opt to read everything else in another reader at your leisure.

There are free and Pro versions of Fresh Feeds available and you can download a copy for your Mac by paying a visit to the Fresh Feeds review page.

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