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Google Chrome Dev hits version 10

17 December 2010, Nick Peers

Both pre-release versions of Google Chrome – Beta and Dev – have jumped version numbers, with Google Chrome Dev now standing at version 10. However, despite this landmark release, there’s practically no fanfare on the part of Google itself. This is reflected in the release notes, which reveal little in the way of changes.

Google Chrome Dev has been updated to version 10.0.612.1, which has just one new feature of note: the (not yet functional) Google Cloud Print sign-in interface is now accessible via the Under the Hood section of Chrome’s Options dialogue box.

The biggest changes are to be found in Google Chrome Beta, which jumps to version 9.0.597.19. Not only does it also show the Google Cloud Print sign-in interface, It also now sandboxes the Adobe Flash Player plug-in for protection against malware, and introduces Google Instant, which when switched on speeds up searching and URL typing in the Address bar by second-guessing what the user is typing in and loading a web site or search results as they type.

Also enabled is WebGL, which will allow Chrome to take advantage of hardware graphics acceleration, resulting in faster web page loading times. All of these enhancements are already present in Google Chrome Dev, which also boasts other features such as Side Tabs and Tabbed Settings.

Google Chrome Dev is aimed at enthusiasts and experienced users who aren’t afraid to run buggy, untested pre-release software, while Google Chrome Beta is aimed at those who prefer a less adventurous, more stable pre-release environment to work in.

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