There are now a number of web browsers to choose from, but if you have been tempted to try out a new program there may be something putting you off. If you have been using your current browser for a long time, the chances are you have amassed a large collection of bookmarked sites. The prospect of having to manually re-create all of these bookmarks is enough to put most people off trying out a new browser, but Transmute can help simplify the transition.
The program is compatible with a huge number of web browsers - from the familiar Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Opera, to the less commonly used Flock, Chrome, Chromium and Konqueror - and transferring bookmarks could hardly be simpler. Launch the program, indicate the browser which has all of your bookmarks, select the browser you would like to transfer them to and everything else is taken care of for you.
Transmute is also a great tool for simply backing up bookmarks as a safety measure and can also be used to transfer bookmarks between computers. This option is particularly useful if you are moving between platforms such as Windows to Mac or Linux to Windows. Like all of the best tools, Transmute is based on a simple concept which is executed well.
Transmute takes the hard work out of switching web browsers, making it easy to take your bookmarks with you
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Keep your internet bookmarks and passwords synchronised between multiple computers
Keep your internet bookmarks and passwords synchronised between multiple computers
Keep your internet bookmarks and passwords synchronised between multiple computers
Read ebooks on your computer whether you have a Kindle or not
Transfer the sites you have bookmarked between web browsers
Keep your internet bookmarks and passwords synchronised between multiple computers
Access your synchronised bookmarked web sites on your iPhone or iPad
Access your bookmarks, Firefox history and open tabs on your iPhone or iPad
Speed-optimized 64-bit version of Firefox designed for the best possible performance
Speed-optimized version of Firefox designed for the best possible performance
A speedy web browser with a focus on security and privacy
A speedy web browser with a focus on security and privacy
Take your favorite web browser on the road