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.NET check and repair tools now support Windows 10

03 August 2015, Mike Williams

Microsoft .NET FrameworkAaron Stebner’s .NET Framework Setup Verification Utility and .NET Framework Cleanup Tool have been updated to support .NET 4.6 and Windows 10.

The programs still support every release of .NET from 1.0 upwards, and although they’re mostly targeted at expert users, there’s something here for everyone.

Not sure which versions of .NET are installed on a system, maybe? Download, unzip and run the Setup Verification Utility. The “Product to verify” list contains every .NET version detected on your PC.

.NET troubleshooting

To check a .NET installation, just choose it and click “Verify Now”

If you think a version of .NET might be corrupted, perhaps because you’ve installed 4.6 on a PC but some applications still aren’t working, then choose .NET 4.6 in the list and click “Verify Now”. The tool scans your system and should return a succeeded/ failed verdict in seconds.

If verification fails, and you’re an expert Windows user, click View Log. The Setup Verification Utility records everything it does – the files it checks, the Registry keys – and that might give you clues to the cause of any problems.

If you know for sure that a .NET version is corrupted, and repairs and reinstallations have failed, then the Cleanup Tool should properly remove it for you. But as the author says, this is absolutely a last resort, which will probably break various applications on your PC, and you’ll have to repair and/ or reinstall every other .NET installation on your PC afterwards before it’ll work correctly.

The .NET Framework Setup Verification Utility and .NET Framework Cleanup Tool are available now for Windows XP and later.

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