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Create a custom Windows install disc with Windows Post-Install Wizard

17 October 2012, Software Publisher

Windows Post-Install WizardThe prospect of reinstalling Windows is not one that many people relish, particularly if it is something that needs to be done on a regular basis, to numerous machines, or both. Part of the problem is that getting everything set up how you want it to be is that once Windows itself is up and running, there is still a great deal to do in terms of configuring the operating system to your liking as well as installing the applications you need.

Whether you are someone who frequently wipes their hard drive to start afresh, or you are an admin looking after several computers that need to be refreshed from time to time, Windows Post-Install Wizard is a tool that exists to help make your life easier. The seemingly simple task of cleaning up a system by installing the operating system from scratch can very easily turn into a chore that takes up and entire day – until your create your own custom installation disc that is.

Windows Post-Install Wizard

Windows Post-Install Wizard

Windows Post-Install Wizard enables you to place your copy of Windows, all of the application you want to install as well as any registry tweaks and scripts all on one disc. This has a few advantages, but the two key bonuses are the fact that you only need to carry a single disc with you rather than a great stack of CDs, and the setup process can be automated so that once Windows has finished installing, your chosen apps with also be installed and your chosen options and settigns will be put in place.

There’s no getting away from the fact that getting Windows Post-Install Wizard configured is a bit of a pain and something of a lengthy process, but this is a small price to pay for the time it will save you in the long run. This is not necessarily a tool that you’ll be able to pick and use straight away, but there is a fairly detailed manual included with the app that should help to get you up and running, and it’s worth spending some time reading through this. You’ll be glad you did as the next time you have to reinstall Windows, it will be done in a fraction of the time.

You can find out more and download a free copy of the app by paying a visit to the Windows Post-Install Wizard review page.

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