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Save electricity, money and the environment by joining the Granola brigade

29 April 2011, Software Publisher

Everyone likes the idea of saving money and if it can be coupled with doing something that might help to save the planet, so much the better. It is this philosophy that helps to explain the success of energy saving light bulbs; as well as helping to reduce energy consumption, and therefore carbon production, they also help to reduce electricity bills. The same philosophy may help the energy saving app Granola to succeed.

Despite the name, this is not an app that has been designed to appeal solely to the crunchy granola brigade. The notion of being green and helping to do ones bit for the environment is universally appealing, particularly if it involves very little effort. Granola makes it as easy as it can possibly be to reduce the energy consumption of your computer.

This is a feature that is already built into Windows, but Granola provides users with an incentive to make use of the power saving options it provides – real time tracking of the amount of electricity and money that is being saved. As well as seeing just how much electricity you are saving, this is translated into financial savings

Granola is a simple app, and its heart is most certainly in the right place. By simply reducing the speed of your computer by 15-35%, it is possible to make impressive savings. You may question the logic in buying a highly powered computer and then throttling its speed – but in reality, few programs need the multi-gigahertz processors found in many computers. You are unlikely to notice a real difference in every day performance when you activate power saving, but when it comes to processor intensive tasks such as gaming, you can always temporarily disable Granola.

You can find out more and downloads your free copy of this money saving application by paying a visit to the Granola review page.

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