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Free RAR Extract Frog 7.00

A free extraction tool to decompress RAR archives

Operating Systems:
Windows 7 (32 bit), Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Philipp B. Winterberg
Software Cost:
System & Desktop Tools
Date Updated:
01 November 2015
Downloads To Date:
Download Size:
1.06 MB

While the Zip format is probably still the most commonly used compression format in existence, there are times when other archive types are more appropriate. The advanced compression and extra options offered by the RAR format means that it has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly when it comes to delivering downloads. While the software that is needed ot create RAR files of your own needs to be bought, Free RAR Extract Frog is a free tool that enables you to access the content of such files.

Zip files and the software needed to work with them become so popular because they are very easy to use, while the RAR format has a reputation for being rather more tricky. When it comes to extracting files from such archives, Free RAR Extract Frog makes things as easy as possible, and even provides you with a number of ways of achieving the same thing so you can choose the method that you feel most comfortable with.

The first option is to drag and drop a RAR file onto the program interface and you will be guided through the process of choosing where the files should be extracted to. Secondly, you can take advantage of the fact that RAR files will be associated with Free RAR Extract Frog and simply double click an archive to open it up in Free RAR Extract Frog. The final option is to right click a RAR file and select the Extract option.

In terms of ease of use, it doesn’t get much better than with Free RAR Extract Frog. The somewhat cutesy nature of the app and the slightly silly name may not be to everyone’s taste, but it gets the job done with a minimum of fuss. Claims of being a skinnable app are stretching the idea slightly as this involves simply change the background image – but this does not detract from the app itself.

Version 7.00 allows users to use screensavers as skins, supports iPhone wallpapers and Playstation Portable wallpapers as skins and features the latest RarZilla unrar engine.


It may not be much to look at, but Free RAR Extract Frog gets the job done.

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