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Mobile Passport 2.7.1
Editor's Choice

Ssh! Keep this quiet but this app will enable you to breeze through immigration

Operating Systems:
Android, iPhone
Airside Mobile, Inc
Software Cost:
Office & Business
Date Updated:
28 February 2018
Downloads To Date:

Landing in the United States can be a mixed bag, even for US citizens. On a number of occasions, we've landed at Miami airport to find a huge queue for the Global Entry machines, which are supposed to make entry swifter.

But, what if there was a way of avoiding all these queues and guiding yourself through immigration, without queuing at all? There is and it's not Pre-Check, either. Download the official Mobile Passport app, enter your data, confirm and each time you fly back into the States, you simply enter customs information (if you are importing goods, anything to declare etc), submit this data by wifi or cellular data and wait for a digital ticket to be issued.

Available to US and Canadian citizens (sadly, it's not available under the ESTA visa waiver service) you can perform this function as soon as you land on the runway. Enter your data, download your QR receipt and walk straight past the Global Entry machines and straight for customs, which rarely has a queue. Give them your QR code, it will be scanned and you'll breeze through to pick up your bags.

The app is currently supported at 24 US airports, including Dallas, Atlanta, Miami, LA and others (full list at


Excellent method for skipping the queues which can occur even with the new Global Entry machines at a busy US airport.

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