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View all your web browser histories from MiTeC’s Internet History Browser

17 December 2012, Mike Williams

You visited a great web page yesterday, and read a really helpful article – but now you can’t remember where it was. It’s easily done, but viewing your browser history should give you the information you need.

Of course, if your PC has multiple browsers installed then reviewing your (or anyone else’s) activities can be a little more challenging. Unless, that is, you run the free Internet History Browser, which collects your histories from all the main browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari) and displays them in a single, simple interface.

Unzip and launch Internet History Browser, click the “Scan this machine” description (there’s no button, so simply click the picture or text) and the program will check your system’s installed browsers, interrogating their histories and assembling them into a single database.

Within a second or two you’ll get the result in a chronological report. This highlights the title of each visited page, along with the icon of the browser used to view it, and is then ordered by the visit date and time.

View the history of all your browsers in a simple but detailed report

Clicking a page of interest displays its full URL, and the number of times it’s been visited (according to the combined history), as well as displaying an “Open” button which will launch that page in the default browser.

You can also search the history for particular sites or key words. Entering “Facebook”, say, will filter the report to display only sites with Facebook in the URL or page title.

And if you close the program you’ll find it’s now saved that history in a .DAT file database, in the same folder as the IHB.exe executable. Which means that you could, say, run Internet History Browser on your child’s laptop to collect their internet histories, and then review the file at your leisure elsewhere to make sure they’re not visiting dubious sites.

We did notice one significant problem throughout all of this. While it collected and displayed most browser histories perfectly, Internet History Browser doesn’t appear able to work with Internet Explorer 10, most probably because that uses a new history tracking scheme.

We expect that’s something the author will fix fairly soon, though. And in the meantime, if you use an earlier version of IE, or are happy to display the histories of other browsers only, then Internet History Browser is a simple and convenient way to get the job done.

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