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PowerToys alternative ThisIsWin11 gets a huge visual revamp in version 1.0.10

21 December 2021, Sofia Wyciślik-Wilson

For anyone making the switch from Windows 10 to Windows 11, there is quite a lot to learn, as well as a reasonable amount of stuff to unlearn. And for anyone venturing out into computing for the first time. or people making the switch from macoS or Linux to Windows, there even more to consider!

ThisIsWin11 is a free portable app that serves several purposes, one of which is introducing some og the key features of Windows 11. The app started life as a simple project to help people to become familiar with Windows, but it has expanded to be a tweaking tool as well. And the latest version introduces a completely new look

ThisIsWin11 gives you an easy way to apply a number of tweaks in one fell swoop.

It is the feature that led to the genesis of ThisIsWin11 where you'll first notice the visual changes. Now out of preview and available in the main release version, the UI has been updated to more closely match the look and feel of Windows 11.

As you work your way through the presentation, learning about everything that the operating system has to offer, the interface includes handy jump-off points. So, for example, when you're learning about the bundled apps that Windows 11 ha to offers, you'll find button to take you to ThisIsWin11's bloatware removal tool, as well as a link to the built-in Settings app.

If you want to trim the unwanted fat from Windows 11, ThisIsWin11 can help you out.

There is quite a lot to explore in the introductory presentation, but there's much more to ThisIsWin11. Along the bottom of the program window you will see links to five different sections tat allow for some serious tweaking.

Things kick off with OpenTweaks, giving you a way to easily apply a number of personalizations and privacy-boosting tweaks. Then it's the turn of PumpedApps to help you remove any components of Windows you don't want – even those Microsoft does not ordinarily allow you to remove.

While introducing Windows 11, ThisIsWin11 provides links to numerous handy tools and options.

For anyone just starting out the app package installer in section 3 is great. You can select a number of popular apps from a list, and have them all installed at once. PowrUsers will appreciate the next seciotn which is home to PowerUI, a set of scripts and automations, and there's a handy Extensions section which can be used to expand the capabilities of the app – so if you like what you see now, things are only going t get bigger and better!

ThisIsWin11 v1.4.1

A powerful and evolving tweaking and debloating tool for Windows 11

100% Free

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