Pullquote is a free Chrome extension which makes it easier to save and share quotes, images and more.
Once installed and set up (you must create an account first) using Pullquote is as easy as selecting some text or an image, right-clicking and choosing the option you need.
Choose "Tweet" and Pullquote takes the full quote, adds the link, converts it to an image, and posts this to Twitter along with your own comment.
Choose "Copy Link" and Pullquote creates a short link for it, in the form http://pllqt.it/abcDeF, ready to share elsewhere. If someone clicks this, they're taken to the same page, but it's overlaid with the quote and URL, so they don't have to browse the page to find the relevant part. But if they want to read more, they can just close the overlay and carry on as usual.
A "File" option saves quotes to your Pullquote account, great if you're doing research and want to collect information later.
Alternatively, a "Copy Text" option copies the text and short link to your clipboard, better if you want to save it locally.
You can review statistics for your quotes to see how many people have clicked on each one, and there's even a system where people can leave comments on them, give feedback or post quotes of their own.
A time-saving extension with plenty of useful features and functionality.
Your Comments & Opinion
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