Mac OS X is a highly configurable operating system, but putting many customisations in place means battling with terminal commands and delving into unknown areas of your computer. MacPilot Lite enables you to access 150 customisations and performance enhancing options all from one handy interface.
The tweaks available can be applied using just a few mouse clicks and can quickly be used to make working with your Mac an even more pleasurable experience. You can change hidden settings for QuickTime Player X, opt to make invisible files show up in Finder and disable Dashboard if you want.
You can also easily clear Safari logs and caches, remove .DS_Store files and force the deletion of troublesome files and folders. Other options include the ability to change the format and destination of screenshots and to take control of Spotlight indexing.
MacPilot Lite enables you to very quickly change the appearance and behaviour of your Mac, but there is also a strong focus on performance enhancing tweaks. With so many options available in one place, this is a must for all Mac users.
The Lite version of MacPilot is incredibly cheap and gives a taster of the full version of the program - well worth the money.
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