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RealWorld Paint 2013.1 Service Pack 1

Edit images, photos and animations with this versatile graphics tool

Operating Systems:
Windows 7 (32 bit), Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP
RealWorld Graphics
Software Cost:
Audio, Video & Photo
Date Updated:
19 August 2013
Downloads To Date:
English, Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Spanish
Download Size:
8.16 MB

RealWorld Paint is a very powerful graphics tool which comes packed with features and functionality.

The program doesn't just open JPG and PNG images, for instance. It can also import Photoshop PSD's, animated GIFs, GIMP XCF files, WebP, PDN, RealWorld images or animations (.RLI) and more.

Open a photo and you can carry out all the usual operations, tweaking levels and colours, brightness and contrast, resizing, rotating and more. Layer support and powerful selection tools offer plenty of flexibility for your image manipulations. And while at first you might think the filters on offer are a little basic - sharpens, blurs, edge detection and so on - the program's ability to use Photoshop filters (.8bf) means there's plenty of ways to add more.

There's still more, though. Like retargeting options which help you to resize an image, and its aspect ratio, while preserving the most important content. A neat "Screenshot" function applies perspective projection, adds shadows and a reflection to transform your original flat image into a classy, 3D screenshot. And the program's ability to add a custom text or image watermark to your image, which can then be configured in many interesting ways.

And you also get drawing and paint tools, simple animation options, batch processing support and more. And because, when you save an image, RealWorld Paint doesn't recompress unchanged areas, but rather uses the original version, any loss in image quality from repeatedly resaving your work is kept to an absolute minimum.

The latest edition includes:

PNG animation support
Vector layers
Polygon tool with configurable start shape
More types of downloadable media packs
Improved PSD support
and many other fixes and enhancements


This powerful graphics tool has so much functionality that it takes a while to find it all. If you're interested, be sure to spend plenty of time exploring the menus and toolbars to make sure you fully understand its abilities.

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